Did You Know? Important Winter Heating Facts

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December 21st marks the official start of Winter and the time of year when we begin cranking our heat to create a cozy, inviting space. Recently the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) shared their forecast for winter fuel pricing. The forecast takes into account the anticipated colder temperatures when compared to last winter as well as higher overall prices due to current economic conditions.

The good news is that when compared to other heating fuels propane is expected to see the smallest increase in pricing, at just 5%. While oil is projected to increase 27% year over year. Meaning propane remains one of the most economical and environmentally friendly fuel solutions year round.

Credit: EIA

5 Things you can do to save on energy costs this winter:

  1. Lower the Thermostat: Each degree you lower the thermostat on your heating system decreases your fuel bill by 3 percent.
  2. It’s Closed-Flue Season, Minimize Those Romantic Fires: An open fireplace damper lets the same amount of heated air escape up the chimney as a wide-open, 48-inch window lets out. Make sure your flue is closed when you don’t have a fire going.
  3. Move Furniture Away From Vents, Registers & Radiators: Many times a couch, chair or bed moved during the summer stays there in the winter, blocking the flow of the heat into the room. This wastes money and leads to cold rooms.
  4. Adjust Your Water Heater: You use more hot water in winter. Lower the water heater temperature from 140°F to 120°F and take showers, not baths. Equipping your showers with low-flow showerheads also dramatically reduces the consumption of water, both hot and cold.
  5. Work the Drapes: Got drapes or curtains that block sunlight? Open them during the day to get free solar heat (make sure windows are clean) and close the curtains just before sunset.

The weather outside may be getting frightful, but your Propane Solution Experts at County Propane are available to help ensure you are maximizing your propane’s performance AND protecting your wallet.

Contact us today to learn more!